Harford Community College is pleased to announce the students named to the President’s List for the fall 2023 semester. One of the highest academic honors that college students can achieve is earning a place on this prestigious list.
In qualifying for the President’s List, a student must receive all “A” and “B” grades and have a 3.76 GPA (grade point average) or higher. Full-time students must have completed 12 credit hours during the semester. Part-time students are eligible after having completed 12 credit hours and then completing six credit hours during the current semester.
Students named to Harford’s President’s List for fall 2023 are Tara Abbott, Belcamp; Mike Abboud, Bel Air; Soraya Abuhantash, Bel Air; Hailey Acton, Edgewood; Shawna Adamski, Forest Hill; Lindsey Adey-Layton, Bel Air; Nooruddin Ahmad, Bel Air; Aidan Ajello, Bel Air; Ava Alcide, Fallston; Ryan Alles, Bel Air; Tucker Almengor, Forest Hill; Noah Altenburg, Jarrettsville; Tyrone Anderson, Forest Hill; Kristi Andrychowski, Churchville; Camron Appleby, Bel Air; Lark Aquino, Abingdon; Arham Arham, Hanover; Christopher Arnold, Abingdon; Mackenzie Arvey, Bel Air; Ravinder Assi, Havre de Grace; Sperantza Aurora, Joppa; Jan Ayala Claudio, Edgewood; Hannah Ayres, Whiteford; Anett Bakos-Irving, Forest Hill; Sushmitha Balram, Bel Air; Mckenzie Bannan, Forest Hill; Rebecca Barber, Havre de Grace; Timothy Barbosa, Cedar Creek, TX; Sydni Barnes, Baltimore; Amaad Bashir, Forest Hill; Lillian Batton, Monkton; Connor Behr, Bel Air; Joseph Benitez, Bel Air; Tyler Bennett, Bel Air; Meghan Berczik, Bel Air; Phoebe Berg, Bel Air; Adam Bethke, Churchville; Elizabeth Biondo, Fallston; Kyle Bittle, Bel Air; Ashley Black, Bel Air; Joel Blake, Abingdon; Sadye Blevins, Bel Air; Thomas Bock, Bel Air; Macy Bogdan, Bel Air; Franklin Bolanos Llerena, Bel Air; Olivia Borkowski-Johnson, Bel Air; Caitlyn Bova, Fallston; Kendall Bowling, Havre de Grace; Mathew Boyce, Edgewood; Ayden Boyd, Darlington; Saumya Brahmbhatt, Bel Air; Isabel Bray, Bel Air; Jacob Brennan, Belcamp; Bethany Brewer, Joppa; Chance Brezna, Havre de Grace; Lilly Brietenback, Bel Air; Madison Brinkerhoff, Baltimore; Eva Brock, Aberdeen; Julianna Brooks, Bel Air; Ryan Brown, Abingdon; Destiny Bryan, Aberdeen; Megan Bukowski, Bel Air; Mia Burall, Aberdeen; Kari Burcham, Aberdeen; Lillian Burgee, Bel Air; Julia Burke, Fallston; Anna Burman, Street; Samantha Burns, Bel Air; Maddie Busch, Abingdon; Charles Canapp, Forest Hill; Veronica Capo, Bel Air; Lauren Carlson, Benson; Yaritzi Carranza Rueda, Edgewood; Angel Carrion, Bel Air; Rodney Carter, Westminster; Brayton Casey, Bel Air; Xavier Castillo, Forest Hill; Tina Caudill, Joppa; Natasha Chaillou, Abingdon; Sam Chan, Jarrettsville; Jacob Chaney, Belcamp; Alexya Chapman, Edgewood; Khalia Charlton, Havre de Grace; David Chumney, Havre de Grace; Banks Clark, Abingdon; Jay Clasing, Bel Air; Grace Clews, Whiteford; Mackenzie Cogdill, Havre de Grace; Jeffrey Cole, Churchville; Gabrielle Coleman, Aberdeen; Ruby Colon, Joppa; Aryamar Colon-Pappaterra, Belcamp; Madilynn Comeaux, Bel Air; Maddie Coons, Abingdon; Samira Cornish, Princess Anne; Rachel Cotsoradis, Jarrettsville; Emma Coughenour, Fawn Grove, PA; Elizabeth Coyle, Aberdeen; Jessica Craft, Aberdeen; Jasmine Crank, Abingdon; Heather Cristancho, Bel Air; Ryan Crowl, Havre de Grace; Adriano Crumble, Aberdeen; Haley Cucina, Rising Sun; Blane Dail, Forest Hill; Madeline Danielczyk, Forest Hill; Druscilla Darkwa, Bel Air; Emily Dascher, Baldwin; Logan Davis, Aberdeen Proving Ground; Mariel Davis, Jarrettsville; Cameron Dawson, Abingdon; Gonzalo De La Mora, Bel Air; Luke DeBraccio, Abingdon; Brianna DeGregory, Kingsville; Damaris Gwyneth Delos Santos, Havre de Grace; Samantha Devorak, Abingdon; Joshua DiAngelo, Bel Air; Tailor Diaz, Havre de Grace; Henry Diaz-Zambrano, Aberdeen; Joshua Dilworth, Jarrettsville; Karl Discher, Bel Air; Leon Dong, Bel Air; Robyn Dudderar, Abingdon; Alicia Dudley, Bel Air; Kayleigh Duffy, Bel Air; Ethan Dunkleberger, Bel Air; Joshua Dysard, Bel Air; Faith Dziwornu, Edgewood; Jaden Earl, Belcamp; Michael Elchik, Bel Air; J Elliott, Whiteford; Victoria Ellis, Joppa; Nick Ensor, Jarrettsville; Amedeo Ercole, Port Deposit; Ashton Esposito, Joppa; Urzhola Evardo, Aberdeen; Scott Everngam, Bel Air; Riley Feeney, Bel Air; Alexandra Fender, Fallston; Robert Fenner, Street; Cole Ferguson, Bel Air; Darvin Figueroa Cortes, Joppa; Sarah Filkil, Bel Air; Dejah Finch, Belcamp; Elle Flores, Fallston; Madelyn Floros, Aberdeen; Kristen Flosser, Havre de Grace; Danielle Foland, Abingdon; Micah Foster, Bel Air; Zachary Freese, Bel Air; Gabriella Gaines, Abingdon; Anthony Galie, Joppa; Philipp Gall, Bel Air; Sydney Gathercole, Bel Air; Alex Giannas, Baldwin; Gabe Gilberto, Bel Air; John Gilley, Bel Air; Heidi Gilman, Street; Britney Gilmartin, Bel Air; Bin Glodek, Churchville; Jacob Godfrey, Bel Air; Hope Goedeke, Bel Air; Jessie Gonzalez, Churchville; Nicole Govan, Aberdeen Proving Ground; Anne Graff, Forest Hill; Brooke Gragg, Bel Air; Brandon Anthony Grammes, Monkton; Henry Grant, Bel Air; Angelina Graziano, Bel Air; Alexia Gresko, Bel Air; Keegan Gruzs, Havre de Grace; Janay Guess, Edgewood; Anish Gurung, Bel Air; Mindy Gyamfi, Aberdeen; Eleni Hadjis, Bel Air; Brian Hall, Abingdon; Connor Hall, Bel Air; Neal Harricharan, Bel Air; Matthew Harvey, Abingdon; Danielle Hasson, Aberdeen; Kyle Hawks, Abingdon; Justin Hayes, Bel Air; Quita Haynes, Aberdeen; Kyle Hays, Joppa; Alexander Hebenstreit, Vienna, VA; Colin Heckman, Bel Air; Julia Heffner, Pylesville; Daismary Hernandez, Aberdeen; Alexander Hilber, Bel Air; Georgia Hild, Bel Air; Walker Hines, Fallston; William Hines, Aberdeen; Ashlyn Hinzman, Aberdeen; Mikayla Hodges, Bel Air; Bryce Hoffmaster, Abingdon; Nicole Hogan, Jarrettsville; Jessica Holsopple, Abingdon; Britney Hufham, Nottingham; Riley Humes, Darlington; Tyler Huneke, Forest Hill; Christine Hunter, Middle River; Taylor Huppman, Belcamp; Carsyn Hyman, Forest Hill; Promise Igwebuike, Bel Air; Ayden James, Bel Air; Dominick Jankovich, Churchville; Natalie Jarrett-Brune, Fallston; Sarah Jessup, Aberdeen; Beth Johnson, Havre de Grace; Elaina Johnson, Joppa; Maria Johnson, Abingdon; Samantha Johnson, Forest Hill; Scott Jones, Aberdeen; Ethan Jourdan, Jarrettsville; Ally Kahl, Whiteford; Alexis Kaliush, Fallston; Stacy Kamau, Abingdon; Madison Karczeski, Bel Air; Ayisha Kashmiri, Edgewood; Alyssa Kateb, Aberdeen; Nicholas Kazakos, Nottingham; Ian Keane, Forest Hill; Kelly Kelahan, Aberdeen; Madilyn Kelly, Monkton; Benjamin Kiedrowski, Jarrettsville; Olivia Kielian, Forest Hill; Sunkyong Kim, Bel Air; Shayla Kinder, Bel Air; Blake King, Joppa; Eden King, Bel Air; Ella Kinneberg, Bel Air; Morgan Kirby, Fallston; Anna Kisel, Abingdon; Melissa Knox, Bel Air; Claire Kotula, Phoenix; Emily Kraczek, Bel Air; Edward Kraus, Bel Air; Elyse Landgraf, Bel Air; Kristina Lang, Havre de Grace; Deanna Lawson, Forest Hill; Loranne Lecato, Aberdeen Proving Ground; Kirsten Leever, Havre de Grace; Ethan Leight, Fallston; Merri Leonard, Bel Air; Audrey Letourneau, Bel Air; Lilliana Lewinski, Bel Air; Reigon Li, Bel Air; Shayne Litz, Edgewood; Emma Lochotzki, Forest Hill; Elizabeth Long, Jarrettsville; Hope Long, Bel Air; Allison Lund, Aberdeen; Jessica Lynch, Baldwin; Alayna MacAnespie, Bel Air; Lisa Macis, Abingdon; Marlee Mackey, Forest Hill; Maria Makris, Forest Hill; Michael Malia, Havre de Grace; Lillian Manager, Bel Air; Sarah Mangum, Bel Air; Tamara Manning, Bel Air; Janvincent Miguel Mari, Bel Air; Anna Markland, Bel Air; Janine Martin, Fawn Grove, PA; Ryan Martinelli, Forest Hill; Jessica Maxson, Darlington; Nicholas May, Bel Air; Matthew McCarter, Bel Air; David McConaughy, Fallston; Sofia McCoy, Edgewood; James McFillin, Bel Air; Kate Mehring, Bel Air; Kai Merulla, Bel Air; Ryan Messer, Bel Air; Jackson Mezan, Aberdeen; Nicholas Middleton, Bel Air; Melissa Miller, Pylesville; Emily Mills, Jarrettsville; Sarah Mitchell, Joppa; Zachary Mittman, Abingdon; Kristopher Moreno, Abingdon; Andra Morrison, Aberdeen; Antonio Mosca, Forest Hill; Joshua Moyer, Bel Air; Carly Muffley, Bel Air; Jack Mulligan, Stevensville; Pauline Mundia, Baltimore; Megan Murgia, Bel Air; Vicky Murphy, Bel Air; Collin Musselman, Edgewood; Ryan Myat, Bel Air; Levance Myers, Edgewood; Sophia Myers, Abingdon; Danny Nanan, Bel Air; Autumn Neal, Forest Hill; Amya Neal, Edgewood; Ashley-Ann Nelson, Forest Hill; Keagan Neumann, Bel Air; Jordan Nguyen-Galante, Bel Air; Anyah Njoku, Havre de Grace; Goodness Nnebedum, Bel Air; Sean Nosler, Forest Hill; Mark Nzuki, Bel Air; Ryenn Oliver, Bel Air; Vincent Olson, Abingdon; Alexander Ortiz, Aberdeen; Connor Ostadali, Forest Hill; Finn Outten, Bel Air; Kayla Pacifici, Aberdeen; Leslie Padilla, Bel Air; Joseph Pagano, Ridgewood, NJ; Elizabeth Palmer, Bel Air; Grace Pangratz, Aberdeen; Victoria Pappas, Abingdon; Justin Parker, Bel Air; Leah Pastrano, Aberdeen; Dylan Patton, Bel Air; Lucas Peisinger, Bel Air; Lesly Peralta, Bel Air; Jillian Perez, Bel Air; Benjaporn Perkins, Abingdon; Brynna Perry, Bel Air; Natalie Perry, Bel Air; Emily Persuhn, Forest Hill; Rachel Pietrogiacomo, Bel Air; Maritza Pleitez, Bel Air; Michelle Prieto, Bel Air; Shannon Pritchett, Pylesville; Angelia Prosser, Forest Hill; Rowan Pruett, Bel Air; Sara Puig, Forest Hill; Sabrina Quinlin, Abingdon; Alyson Radonovich, Havre de Grace; Konstadinos Rahaniotis, Bel Air; Kylie Raiber, Forest Hill; Nicholas Ramos, Forest Hill; Zachary Rand, Abingdon; Dominic Randall, Bel Air; Muhammad Rauf, Bel Air; Ryan Ravadge, Bel Air; Ray Ray, Abingdon; Makenzie Reagan, Forest Hill; Stephanie Reiber, Havre de Grace; Heather Reider, Bel Air; Priscilla Reyes, Jarrettsville; Kaylee Rhea, Belcamp; Christopher Richards, Bel Air; Elizabeth Richardson, Havre de Grace; Kyle Richardson, Havre de Grace; Emily Richwine, Aberdeen; Logan Riley, Forest Hill; Michael Rios, Bel Air; Ann Riosa, Baltimore; Rachael Ritchie, Whiteford; Henry Robbins, Bel Air; Breonna Roberson, Edgewood; Martina Rodriguez, Havre de Grace; Yariel Rodriguez, Philadelphia, PA; Odaly Romero Mendoza, Aberdeen; Angeliz Rosado-Torres, Abingdon; Jeremy Ross, Abingdon; Ryan Rowland, Street; Matthew Rubin, Naples, FL; Becca Ruby, Abingdon; Aisha Rushing, Edgewood; Logan Rusko, Forest Hill; Hannah Russell, Bel Air; Margaret Sadiq, Havre de Grace; Alice Santeliz, Edgewood; Brooke Santiago, Bel Air; Jaedyn Santiago, Joppa; Amaya Sarpong, Abingdon; Carole Schaffer, Bel Air; Jared Schilling, Bel Air; Taylor Schindhelm, Forest Hill; Ydelka Schrock, Aberdeen Proving Ground; Christian Scopelliti, Havre de Grace; Renee Scutti, Bel Air; Sebrina Sefa, Aberdeen; Kierra Sewell, Aberdeen; Martin Shoap, Bel Air; Adam Shrake, Abingdon; Abigayle Shrestha, Belcamp; Anuska Shrestha, Bel Air; Natalie Shrewsberry, Bel Air; Ashley Simon, Forest Hill; Kellie Simon, Joppa; John Sims, Aberdeen; Amit Singh, Bel Air; Andrew Sisolak, Jarrettsville; Lauren Sisolak, Jarrettsville; Holly Skinner, Bel Air; Nathan Skopp, Abingdon; Heather Slaski, Fallston; Alexander Smith, Bel Air; Allison Smith, Edgewood; Amber Smith, Baltimore; Savannah Smith, Churchville; Jordan Solomon, Fallston; Julianna Spangler, Forest Hill; Jayden Spencer, Havre de Grace; Ryan Spina, Absecon, NJ; Nicholas Sprague, Bel Air; Kaylie Sprucebank, Bel Air; Kaitlyn Spurlock, Bel Air; Brayden Stagnoli, Bel Air; Abigail Standish, Bel Air; Michael Staten, Havre de Grace; River Steinbach, Havre de Grace; Jake Steinmiller, Joppa; Christian Stevens, Lansdale, PA; Kayla Stevens, Joppa; Eric Stewart, Edgewood; Jacqueline Stewart, Abingdon; Alexis Stone, Churchville; Haley Stone, Forest Hill; Sara Strahan, Darlington; Ashley Strock, Bel Air; Micayla Sumwalt, Havre de Grace; Carly Svoboda, Bel Air; Owen Swain, Bel Air; Ryan Sweiderk, Queenstown; Kaja Szuba, Bel Air; Emily Taylor, Aberdeen; Samantha Taylor, White Hall; Luna Taylor, Aberdeen; Ashley Testerman, Havre de Grace; Elliyah Thompson, Havre de Grace; William Thompson, Bel Air; Caroline Thornton, Baltimore; Kira Toro, Havre de Grace; Aidan Tramontana, Havre de Grace; Reid Trautman, Street; Amelia Traynor, Bel Air; Jennifer Tribull, White Hall; Sasha Trillini, Bel Air; Nicholas Tringali, Belcamp; Alexandra Truitt, Edgewood; Micaella Trulli, Bel Air; Justin Tsai, Belcamp; Marisa Tuminello, Abingdon; Morgan Turansky, Joppa; Emily Turnbaugh, Jarrettsville; Jordan Tuttle, Bel Air; Stephanie Ukura, Pylesville; Paul Vandergriff, Abingdon; Bianca Villanueva, Street; Madison Vinje, Forest Hill; Melissa Vu, Forest Hill; Olivia Waclawska, Edgewood; Shannon Wade, Bel Air; Abigail Walter, Street; Morgan Walter, Bel Air; Mariah Walters, Edgewood; Elana Waltimyer, White Hall; Abigail Warfield, Darlington; Molly Wassenius, Abingdon; Donald Watson, Joppa; Madelynn Watters, Bel Air; Sierra Weaver, Pylesville; Cole Weber, Islip, NY; Catherine Wehage, Jarrettsville; Ian Welch, Whiteford; Rian Whiskeyman, Bel Air; Joshua Whitt, Abingdon; Kevin Widenhouse, Churchville; Mason Wiley, Port Deposit; Lien Williams, Darlington; Mallory Williams, Abingdon; Shakiera Williams, Aberdeen; Damion Wilson, Edgewood; Sebastian Wingo, White Hall; Sakeena Winter, Bel Air; Austin Wittig, Abingdon; Autumn Wolfe, Darlington; Kyle Wolferman, Fallston; Kirsten Woolfrey, Bel Air; Drew Yelton, Baldwin; Hadiya Zakriya, Bel Air; Malia Zavoyna, Abingdon; and Michael Zoran, Forest Hill.