Artist of the Week for January 16, 2024


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Congratulations Liz Burnett

Liz Burnett: Transforming the Ordinary into Extraordinary

In the world of art and design, there are those who create, and then there are those who transform. Liz Burnett, the creative force behind SchlegelBagel Design, belongs to the latter category. This week, Harford County Living is thrilled to feature Liz Burnett as our Artist of the Week, celebrating her unique approach to sustainable artistry.

From Trash to Treasure: Liz Burnett’s journey in art is a fascinating tale of transformation. At the heart of SchlegelBagel Design is the philosophy of turning the discarded and overlooked into something beautiful and cherished. Liz takes what many would consider trash – broken glass, ceramics, tin, and old books – and breathes new life into them, crafting exquisite pieces of jewelry. Her work is a testament to the idea that beauty can be found in the most unexpected places.

A Touch of Magic in Every Piece: Each piece of jewelry that Liz creates is not just an accessory; it’s a story. The broken shards of glass and ceramics she uses are remnants of the past, each with its own history and journey. By repurposing these materials, Liz doesn’t just make jewelry; she preserves stories and memories, giving them a new form and a new life to be treasured once again.

Sustainability at the Core:

In today’s world, where sustainability is more than just a buzzword, Liz’s work stands out as a beacon of environmental consciousness. By upcycling materials that would otherwise end up in landfills, she not only reduces waste but also challenges the conventional notions of beauty and value in art. Her creations are a powerful statement about the importance of reusing and recycling, making her work not just artistically significant but also environmentally impactful.

A Glimpse into the Artist’s World: Liz’s Instagram account, @schlegelbagelburnett, offers a window into her creative process and daily life. Followers are treated to behind-the-scenes glimpses of her work, from the initial gathering of materials to the intricate process of crafting each piece. Her account is more than just a showcase of her creations; it’s a diary of her artistic journey, filled with inspiration, creativity, and the warmth of her personal life.

Inspiration for Aspiring Artists: Liz Burnett’s story is a source of inspiration for aspiring artists and environmentalists alike. She demonstrates that with creativity and vision, the ordinary can be transformed into the extraordinary. Her work encourages us to look at the world around us with new eyes, to see potential and beauty in the most unexpected places.

As we celebrate Liz Burnett as our Artist of the Week, we invite you to explore the world of SchlegelBagel Design. Her work is a reminder that art is not just about creating; it’s about transforming, preserving, and telling stories in a way that resonates with our hearts and our environmental consciousness.

Join us in applauding Liz Burnett, a true artist who not only creates beauty but also makes the world a better place, one piece of upcycled jewelry at a time.

About our Features of the Week:

One of our goals is to help local Artists in Harford County grow, which is why we constantly remind people and businesses to Support Local. Each week we feature an Artist of the Week for you, so please visit these Artists and share their information. You may be the Harford County Living Artist of the Week in the future.

Artists love free advertising, and this is one way to get it. We have over 34,000 Social Media Followers and millions of hits to our website, so why not take advantage and reach them. Several of them also come on the podcast to talk about their work, and why wouldn’t they? It’s free to come on and has over 500,000 downloads and is listed in the Top Podcasts for Addiction, Storytelling, Arts, Health, Marketing and Business on Goodpods, and is also one of the top 5% most popular shows out of 3,000,000+ podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score (the estimated popularity score).

If you would like to be featured or nominate someone as the Artist of the Week, please email [email protected] and a questionnaire will be sent to you.

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