Artist of the Week for April 16, 2024


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Congratulations Alexandra Kopp

Alexandra Kopp – A Stalwart of Creativity in Harford County

In the world of local art, few names resonate as distinctly as Alexandra Kopp. This week, we are thrilled to feature her as our Artist of the Week on Harford County Living, celebrating not only her artistry but also her significant contributions to the cultural fabric of Harford County.

Born and raised in Maryland, Alexandra’s journey in the arts began at a tender age with a simple palette of watercolors and a boundless imagination. Her passion for art grew alongside her, evolving into more complex forms as she explored oil painting and design through formal education at Harford Community College and Towson University. Further honing her skills, Alexandra continued her education under the tutelage of Carol Lee Thompson at Zoll’s School of Art since 2010, and she has not stopped learning and evolving since.

The year 2000 marked a pivotal moment for Alexandra as she dedicated herself to painting seriously. Rediscovering her love for oil paints, she began to craft pieces that not only displayed her technical skill but also her deep emotional connection to her subjects. From serene landscapes to intimate portraits, Alexandra’s work invites viewers to pause and reflect, offering a gateway to tranquility in our often hectic lives.

Beyond her canvas, Alexandra has been an indefatigable voice in the local arts community. Her roles have been varied yet impactful, including serving as the Membership Chairperson, Publicity Chairperson, and Vice President for the Harford Artists’ Association and Gallery. Her leadership extended to the Bel Air Downtown Alliance, where she represented the visual arts community. Her commitment showcases her belief in the power of art to unify and enliven her community.

Her involvement doesn’t stop there; Alexandra was also a part of the Design Committee for the town of Bel Air, contributing her vision and expertise to enhance the aesthetic and cultural appeal of the town center, further proving her dedication not just to art but to her community at large.

For those aspiring artists and admirers of culture, Alexandra’s story is a beacon of inspiration. It’s a reminder that art isn’t just a solitary pursuit but a communal gift that keeps on giving — enriching lives, beautifying spaces, and bringing people together.

We invite you to experience the magic of Alexandra Kopp’s work. Her contributions have not only elevated the local art scene but have also ensured that the arts continue to thrive and resonate throughout Harford County. Join us in celebrating Alexandra Kopp, a true artist of the week, whose palette colors the very community we cherish.

Stay tuned to Harford County Living as we continue to explore, celebrate, and support the arts in our beloved county. For those interested in seeing Alexandra’s work in person, visit the upcoming exhibition details on our events page, and don’t miss the chance to witness the beauty she brings into the world.

About our Features of the Week:

One of our goals is to help local Artists in Harford County grow, which is why we constantly remind people and businesses to Support Local. Each week we feature an Artist of the Week for you, so please visit these Artists and share their information. You may be the Harford County Living Artist of the Week in the future.

Artists love free advertising, and this is one way to get it. We have over 34,000 Social Media Followers and millions of hits to our website, so why not take advantage and reach them. Several of them also come on the podcast to talk about their work, and why wouldn’t they? It’s free to come on and has over 500,000 downloads and is listed in the Top Podcasts for Addiction, Storytelling, Arts, Health, Marketing and Business on Goodpods, and is also one of the top 5% most popular shows out of 3,000,000+ podcasts globally, ranked by Listen Score (the estimated popularity score).

If you would like to be featured or nominate someone as the Artist of the Week, please email [email protected].

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