In honor of March as National Procurement Month, County Executive Barry Glassman (center) commends Harford County Procurement for saving more than $9 million in taxpayer funds since 2015 through better negotiations for necessary purchases.
Director Karen Myers Named 2018 Manager of the Year by Md. Public Purchasing Association
Maryland Public Purchasing Association, Inc. (MPPA), a Chapter of the National Institute of Governmental Purchasing, Inc. (NIGP), Installation of Officers and Award Dinner was held on February 2, 2019
The Maryland Public Purchasing Association, Inc. (MPPA) elects and installs the following Officers for the 2019 term (1/1/2019-12/31/2019).
MPPA 2019 Officers:
Donna M. DiCerbo, CPPO, CPPB – President – Maryland Transportation Authority
Brandi Naugle, CPPB – Vice President – Washington County
Andrea Hennessy-Welcome, CPPB – Treasurer – Montgomery County Police
Marsha Turnipseed, CPPB – Secretary – Maryland State Highway Administration
MPPA awarded the following honors to the 2018 recipients:
The Stanley Zemansky Award: The Stanley D. Zemansky Award is MPPA’s highest award and is associated with a professional who is respected for outstanding deeds and dedication to the procurement profession.
Stanley D. Zemansky Award Recipient
Tony Reed, PMP, CPPO
Deputy Secretary,
Maryland Department of Housing and Community Development.
Lanham, Maryland
The Harry Bain Distinguish Service Award: The Harry Bain Distinguish Service Award recognizes the extraordinary dedication and service to the public procurement profession.
Harry Bain Distinguish Service Award Recipient
Linda D. Dangerfield, CPPB
Director, Procurement
MDOT Maryland Aviation Administration
BWI Airport, Maryland
Buyer of the Year Award: The MPPA Officers and Board of Directors grants this award to buyers who have no supervisory or management responsibilities. The Buyer function involves the process of determining the customer requirements, reviewing specifications and requirements, developing and issuing bids, evaluating offers and selecting the vendor, arriving at fair and reasonable price and terms, preparing the contract or purchase order, vendor relations, following up to ensure timely delivery shipping/receiving, inventory and warehousing, and contract administration provisions.
Buyer of the Year Award Winner
Margie Hajiantoni, CPPB
MDOT MD Transportation Authority
Baltimore, Maryland

County Executive Barry Glassman congratulates Harford County Procurement Director Karen Myers (center), named 2018 Manager of the Year by the Maryland Public Purchasing Association. Certified Technology Procurement Specialist Stacy Rappold (right) nominated Mrs. Myers for the award.
Manager of the Year Award: The MPPA Officers and Board of Directors grants this award to public procurement professionals who have supervisory or management responsibilities. Public Procurement manager functions must include responsibility of overall procurement/material management activities in a specific governmental entity to include the supervision of procurement personnel and/or the display of executive abilities involving economic/financial, technical, statistical, legal, and administrative attributes. Management positions may be totally dedicated to the procurement function or shared with other responsibilities.
Manager of the Year Award Winner
Karen D. Myers
Procurement Manager
Harford County Government