Harford County Businesses Looking To Grow



HCL Keep It Harford


Keeping It Local May Be Hard At Times!


If you haven’t figured it out by now, Harford County Living is a firm believer in supporting local businesses. Throughout the past few years, we’ve seen many new businesses pop up in Harford County, but we have also seen too many local businesses close their doors. Whether they closed because of high overhead, poor advertising, or other issues, one local business closing is one too many, and we’ve been doing our best to give local businesses exposure.

We looked at some advertising numbers, and some were shocking whereas some others we expected. These numbers are based on CPM (Cost Per Thousand), or to put it simply, how much an ad would cost to appear or be heard 1,000 times. Here’s what we found:

Facebook – The cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) based on Q1 data in 2016 in the USA is $5.45.

Local Magazines – The average cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) is $6.66.

Local Newspaper – The average cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) is $16.93.

Local Radio – Too many variables.

Local TV – Too many variables.

Harford County Living – The average cost per 1000 impressions (CPM) is $0.70.

As you can clearly see, the CPM is better with Internet Advertising compared to your other sources. However, we do not recommend that you advertise with one source. Please do your homework. Combine advertising sources, but use the ones that are going to reach more people. Radio and TV Stations will provide you with numbers to show you how many people they reach throughout the different times of the day. Websites can provide you with numbers showing how many people visit their websites, and how many new visitors they get. Magazines and newspapers are expensive because of the cost of printing and it’s hard for some of them to determine their circulation compared to readership.

Needless to say, we will always help your business reach more people for less money. Harford County Living was started to help local businesses grow, not to put them out of business. So please do your research when it comes to advertising your business, and hopefully, you’ll choose Harford County Living as one of your sources so we can help you grow. Together, we can all support local businesses and Keep It Harford!

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