Hundreds of people turned out to show support for Mission Stadiums for Multiple Sclerosis (MS4MS) at the Boston Red Sox game on Saturday. MS4MS is a national nonprofit organization that is dedicated to raising awareness and funding for Multiple Sclerosis (MS) research – a neurological disease that affects over 2.5 million people worldwide. Their unique approach uses sports and entertainment to raise awareness of MS at all stadiums while raising funds directly for families impacted by MS and for the advancement of research at the Johns Hopkins Project Restore MS Research Center in hopes of finding a cure.
MS4MS Founder Sam Greenberg said the event hit a home run because, “These #spreadingORANGE events, hosted by MS4MS, brings the MS community together in a truly special way, while using sports as a platform. They are intended to attract questions from those around us as to why we are all wearing orange, which in turn allows for our team to share more about MS, why we are there supporting all those impacted, and bring more of a focus to this important cause which is in desperate need of funding. #spreadingORANGE means awareness, support, hope, and action. Our events, like the one in Boston, are intended to focus on all 4 of those pillars to improve the lives of those suffering from multiple sclerosis.”
Fans filled Grandstand Section 3 for #SpreadingOrange Day at Fenway Park. The effort was also a show of support for local #MSWarriors Traci Pizzano and Abby Stoller (My MS Story by Abby Stoller – MS4MS) as well as everyone impacted by this disease. The fundraising effort raised is $21,000 at this event.
MS4MS also partnered with the non-profit organization, Morgan’s Message, which amplifies stories and expertise to strengthen student-athlete mental health, builds a community by and for athletes through peer-to-peer conversations, and provides a platform for advocacy.
The money MS4MS raises goes directly to the research for finding a cure for MS. Johns Hopkins Medicine Research Center for MS is their primary beneficiary. Proceeds are also allocated to families that are affected by the disease and need extra financial support.