Senior capstone projects will be available for the community to view beginning May 21, 2020
Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) Career and Technology Education Office is pleased to announce the schedule of Magnet and Signature Program Recognition Ceremonies for the graduating class of 2020. Video programs will be released to celebrate the four years of hard work and the research conducted by students for their Capstone Projects. Please join Harford County Public Schools, the administration of each high school, magnet/signature program staff, and our accomplished students from Thursday, May 21 through Thursday, May 28, 2020 as we celebrate the release of each program’s Recognition Ceremony.
The ceremonies will be recorded so viewers may watch them online at their leisure on the HCPS YouTube channel and shared via the HCPS website, and social media platforms. We will have guest speakers, and a summary of all projects and videos from the students highlighting their time in the magnet or signature program.
Program descriptions and Magnet/Signature Program Recognition Ceremony scheduled release dates and times are as follows:
C. Milton Wright High School, Project Lead the Way: Pre-Engineering May 21, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
The Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Engineering program at C. Milton Wright High School is celebrating the graduation of 38 seniors.
Each of the PLTW Engineering courses at CMW engages students in interdisciplinary activities to build knowledge and skills in engineering and empower students to develop essential problem solving, critical and creative thinking, communication, collaboration, and perseverance. The Capstone class (Engineering Design and Development) is a culmination of four years of study. Students identify a real-world challenge and in groups of two to four, research, design, build, and test a solution, ultimately presenting their unique prototypes at an Engineering Design Expo.
To see digital presentations of the projects and read more about the 38 CMW PLTW Engineering graduates, visit the C. Milton Wright High School webpage:
Joppatowne High School, Homeland/Security Emergency Preparedness May 21, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
The Homeland/Security Emergency Preparedness (HSEP) Program introduces students to current practices and technologies, used by both governmental and private sector agencies. Instruction focuses on how the United States protects against threats to public health and public safety by using effective communication, prevention, response and recovery techniques. In the program, students visited the Harford County Emergency Management Center and 9-1-1 Center, to learn how to respond to emergencies at the county level. Students in the Science branch visited Johns Hopkins Bio Containment Unit, to learn about infectious diseases and how to prepare for and respond to them. We are proud to share three current students in HSEP have joined the Joppa Magnolia Volunteer Fire Department.
Guest Speakers at this year’s celebration include Joppatowne High School Principal Pamela Zeigler, and Assistant Principal, Adam Milanoski.
Havre de Grace High School, Project Lead the Way: Biomedical Sciences May 22, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
The Havre de Grace Biomedical Science program is one of rigor and collaboration in which students are challenged to think innovatively about the ever-changing medical community. This year’s seniors came together to navigate real-world public health issues and create solutions to conquer these issues. Seniors will hear a heartfelt message from principal, Mr. Jim Reynolds, and view a gallery of the students’ accomplishments during the ceremony.
Seniors in the program this year spent time in the community volunteering in various medical-related offices and establishments, opening their eyes to problems that need new innovations. Students worked independently to create new hospital wings to accommodate psychiatric emergencies, programs to train therapy dogs to help students in schools specifically with school-related stress, cell phone screen protectors that would reduce the amount of blue light transmitted into the user’s eye, and car mirrors that would assist drivers with visual impairments.
Edgewood High School, International Baccalaureate May 22, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
The International Baccalaureate (IB) Program is a worldwide education program whose mission is to give all students an education fit for a globalizing world. The IB Diploma Program does not specialize in one content, rather it emphasizes the internationalism and interconnectedness among all contents and aims to develop students’ intellectual, emotional, personal, and social skills while preparing them for college and beyond.
Key speakers for the event include Edgewood High School’s Principal, Mr. Mack, teachers from the IB program, and Program Coordinator, Laura Childs, all who are proud of the IB graduating class of 2020.
During this ceremony, the program will also provide a PDF of the IB program indicating where students will attend college, their intended majors of study, awards and achievements during their four years here, and reflections on their experiences in the IB program. During the celebration, the IB Scholarship winners will also be highlighted.
Edgewood High School, National Academy of Finance: Academy of Finance Program May 26, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
The National Academy Foundation (NAF) recently announced Edgewood High School’s Academy of Finance (AOF) is one of only 135 academies in the national NAF network to achieve Distinguished status on NAF’s annual assessment. It is the first Academy of Finance to attain Distinguished status in Maryland. Students worked diligently to raise the standard of excellence in this program and extend its reach of financial literacy within the Edgewood community. Students in the program develop a broad understanding of financial and economic concepts and are afforded work-based learning opportunities alongside career courses. The curriculum focuses on entrepreneurship, banking and credit, financial planning, international finance, securities, insurance, accounting, and economics.
Aberdeen High School, Project Lead the Way: Pre-Engineering May 26, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
The Project Lead the Way (PLTW) Pre-Engineering program at Aberdeen High School provides students with the foundation for post-secondary studies and careers in the field of engineering. This year’s Engineering Design and Development class is comprised of 22 seniors working within seven groups. Each group applied the engineering process to identify, research, and solve a unique problem using skills acquired during their time in the PLTW program.
This year’s PLTW Recognition Ceremony features program teacher, Andrew Webster. Mr. Webster has been teaching PLTW at Aberdeen High School for six years.
Aberdeen High School, Science and Mathematics Academy May 27, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
The Science and Mathematics Academy (SMA) at Aberdeen High School offers seniors an opportunity to be part of unique scientific research projects, conducted under the mentorship of professional scientists, engineers, mathematicians, and faculty advisors. Research projects cover a variety of topics in the areas of science, technology, engineering, and mathematics. The focus on Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) education creates a great deal of variety in project topics to include machine learning, biomechanics, materials engineering, epidemiology, climatology, prototype development, mathematical modeling, and public health.
This year’s awards ceremony features Keynote Speaker, SMA 2012 Graduate Coast Guard Lieutenant Junior Grade Lucy Wright, as well as remarks from Harford County Public Schools Superintendent Dr. Sean Bulson and Aberdeen High School Principal Mr. Michael Quigg. Cameron Hobbs, SMA Senior, will speak on behalf of his classmates. Eleven deserving students are honored with awards highlighting academic achievement throughout their high school careers.
Three seniors collaborated on a project to produce a low-cost Thermal Cycler for the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). Considering the recent pandemic and viral testing, the process of PCR to create vaccines and diagnose covid-19 positive patients is of utmost relevance. By creating a low-cost replicable thermal cycler, countries around the world can have access to this technology for quick and accurate viral diagnoses.
North Harford High School, Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences May 27, 2020 at 3:00 p.m.
The Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences (NRAS) program at North Harford High School (NHHS) is designed to provide students with essential knowledge, unique experiences, and STEM based opportunities for the purpose of pursuing academic, vocational, and recreational futures in the areas of natural resources and agricultural sciences. The NRAS is composed of three strands of academic study: Large Animal Science, Plant Science, and Natural Resources. Please Join the North Harford Community in celebrating the accomplishments of the Seniors with their Capstone projects. Senior students will showcase their process and outcomes in conclusion of the Capstone learning experience. The program will include addresses from alumni, guest speakers and a video collage of the students’ journey in learning. The program provides brief summaries of student research completed with local and regional mentors from the Agricultural and Natural Resources community. Projects highlight everything from the importance of rumen digestion of our fistulated cow Gracie, to new ways to propagate special cultivars of imported Spanish Carnations, to the saving of the American Chestnut trees, and more. Projects were completed on local farms, in local streams, and in the labs of NHHS.
Bel Air High School, Project Lead the Way: Biomedical Sciences May 28, 2020 at 11:00 a.m.
The Biomedical Sciences Program at Bel Air High School is an award-winning and nationally recognized program of excellence. Students in the program have completed a variety of unique learning experiences, including lengthy real-world internship experiences and creative design processes, which provide phenomenal preparation for their future academic and professional careers.
In addition to a demonstration of student work, guests will be addressed by Bel Air High School principal Greg Komondor and the program’s Lead Teacher, Mike Burke. Finally, the staff will announce the Biomedical Sciences Award, recognizing one senior for his or her academic excellence and program contributions over four years.
Visit for more information on Magnet and Signature Programs in Harford County Public Schools.