The Chesapeake Gallery at Harford Community College is excited to host the photography of Kentucky-based professor and artist Garrett Hansen. His work has been displayed around the country and is inspired by the issue of gun violence in today’s society. The “HAIL” exhibition will be on display in the Gallery, located in the College’s Student Center, from March 9 to April 10.
Hansen states, ” . . . This ongoing project is comprised of bullets that have been collected from gun ranges. Each bullet, sculpted by impact with a ballistic steel wall, takes on a dramatic new form. The contorted shapes speak to the inherent violence in shooting and the transformation of each fired bullet from a sleek projectile into a twisted shard of lead. ( . . . ) this work deals with the complex connections between destruction and creation.”
Gallery hours are Monday to Thursday, 8:30 AM to 7 PM and Friday, 8:30 AM to 4:30 PM. For more information, visit www.harford.edu/ChesapeakeGallery.