The City of Havre de Grace would like recognize the following nonprofits, who collectively raised $5,169.93 selling tickets to the second annual Great Havre de Grace Oyster Feast.
- American Legion Joseph L. Davis Post 47, $105.00
Community Projects of HdG, Farmers Market, $45.00
Community Projects of HdG, Public Art Committee, $492.77
Gold Star Families MD Committee (Md Marine Corps League), $867.77
Havre de Grace Arts Commission, $357.77
HdG Colored School Foundation, $432.77
HdG Green Team, $387.77
HdG Independence Day Commission, $957.77
HdG Recreation Basketball, $417.77
HHS Sophomore Class Of 2020, $372.77
The Susquehanna Museum at the Lock House, $627.77
Winter Wonderland, $105.00
Established in 2016 by the Martin Administration as a fundraiser for local nonprofits, The Great Havre de Grace Oyster Feast is now held every year on the Saturday before Thanksgiving at the Havre de Grace Community Center. Nonprofits this year raised $5,169.93 compared to $2,730 raised in 2016. Tickets this year cost $55 with nonprofits keeping $15 from each ticket sold. Additionally local artist Shawn Forton sold his artwork at the event and donated $250 to be divided equally among all the local groups.