Harford County Living’s Business of the Week

Harford County Living's Business of the Week - Harford County Weather Watch
Harford County Living’s Business of the Week – Harford County Weather Watch


As you know, one of our goals is to help local businesses in Harford County grow. Each week we will feature a Business of the Week on our website, so please visit these businesses and share their information.

This week we are proud to feature Harford County Weather Watch located in Harford County. Here’s some information about Harford County Weather Watch from their website, http://www.harfordcountyweatherwatch.com/

About HCWW:

My name is Pete Rost. I am an elementary school teacher who loves science, especially weather. I live in Harford County and, as a result, have focused my study of weather and weather prediction on this area.

Harford County Weather Watch started out of my love of weather and desire to help others through an interactive weather experience. In 2009, I became highly interested in the advances in forecasting and model reading with the intense winter that we experienced that year. I used the repeat performance in 2010 to begin really honing my data analysis and forecasting skills and began doing forecasts for major events for family and friends. In 2011, I took my hobby online on Facebook, so that friends and family would have an easier time accessing my forecasts and continued to focus on more impactful events. Between the launch of the Facebook page in December 2011 and the summer of 2013, the page gathered over 3,000 followers, which was well more than I had ever expected, as I had intended on this being a place to share my hobby with friends and family. However, as the followers of the page grew in number, so did the number of forecasts, until I was forecasting weather on a daily basis. Then, in the winter spanning December 2013 through March 2014, the page grew by 400% thanks to the severe winter weather we experienced and the reliability of my forecasts (only 2 busts on minor events). Additionally, we had live condition updates provided around the county by followers reporting out on the Facebook page, allowing others to plan ahead for their travels around the county. The community that grew up last year is amazing and I am proud of what has been built in that time. That brings us to where we are now continuing on into fall 2014 with another potentially strong winter staring us down with what I believe to be the greatest local weather community available.

I am not a meteorologist and certainly do not claim to be an expert. What I am is a local weather enthusiast who has had years of reliable forecasts. I will not always be right, but what I will always provide is the following:

-Honesty and as up-to-date as possible forecasts, even if that means saying I’m not sure and having to wait for models or data to develop further

-No unreasonable speculation

-No hype to drive traffic

-Open and honest admission of busts

-The best forecasts I can possibly provide

I hope that you find this page to be useful and informational. If there is ever anything I can do to make your experience better, please let me know and I will do my best to accommodate what you would like.

Thanks for following the page and I look forward to interacting with you soon,


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