Harford Community College recognized employees for their scholarly or creative publications and works at the College’s Campus Celebration & Employee Recognition Event held on June 12. This is the 15th year that employees have been recognized.
Recognized authors and artists and their works follow:
Galvan, Sonia, et al. “How Health Literacy is Taught and Evaluated in Dentistry, Medicine, Nursing, Law, Pharmacy, Public Health, and Social Work: A Narrative Review.” Journal of Communication in Healthcare, vol. 17, no. 1, Mar. 2024, pp. 51-67. CINAHL Plus with Full Text, https://doi.org/ 10.1080/17538068.2023.2258315.
Johnson, Richard, composer. “Over Fields at Churchville,” 18 Mar. 2023.
Krenzien, Nicollette and Theresa Lilienthal. “Battle of the Books: Evaluating the Reading Comprehension of HTML and PDF Textbook Formats.” NISOD Innovation Abstract, vol. 46, no. 2, 8 Feb. 2024.
Lazarus, Brian. “Leveraging Internal and External Stakeholders to Optimize Student Success.” NISOD Innovation Abstract, vol. 45, no. 1, 25 Jan. 2024.
Lazarus, Brian. “THE CREDIT PROFESSIONAL: Working with Internal and External Stakeholders to Ensure Successful Outcomes.” Business Credit, vol. 126, no. 2, Feb. 2024, pp. 4-7.
McFarland, James. Constructed Stories and Fabricated Forms: Assemblage Sculpture by Eight Regional Artists. Curator, February 3-March 3, 2024, Gallery 220, Havre de Grace, MD.
McFarland, James. Landscapes: A Visual Odyssey. Exhibition, January 17-March 3, 2024, Manor Mill Gallery, Monkton, MD.
Rines, Olivia. “Breaking News: Streamers Don’t Wanna Do the Horizontal Tango With You: Creative Responses to Toxicity.” Real Life in Real Time: Live Streaming Culture, MIT Press, 2023, pp. 89-103.
Scott, Megan. “Increasing Academic Advising Support Services for Transfer Students from Community Colleges.” National Association of Branch Campus Administrators, vol. 8, no. 2, Apr. 2024.
Thompson, Jessie, et al. Educator Guide. GED® Testing Services, 2023.
Read about employees who have been recognized since the program began in 2010 at https://harford.libguides.com/scholarlypublications.