Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society at Harford Community College Inducts New Members

Photo credit: Ujen  Jonchhe, Harford Community College

Harford Community College’s Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society, Gamma Upsilon Chapter, inducted 14 new members in a ceremony on June 3 in Darlington Hall.

The mission of the chapter is to promote associate degree nursing through leadership, collaboration, advocacy, and education to ensure excellence in the future of health care and professional nursing practice. To qualify for membership, graduates must maintain a cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of at least 3.00, earn a B or better in each nursing course, and demonstrate conduct on the College campus and in the clinical setting that reflects integrity and professionalism. 

The ceremony opened with a greeting from Assistant Professor Alicia Gainey, MSN, RN, who provided an overview of the chapter. Rebecca Diaz, PhD, RN and Director for Nursing Education, gave congratulatory remarks. Assistant Professor Deanna Garza, MSN, RN, CNS read the names of the inductees as Assistant Professor Natasha Lawson, DNP, CNS-AP, RN, CNE presented the pins and cords to the new members. Graduates will wear an apricot cord during Commencement.

New Alpha Delta Nu members for spring 2024 include officers of Harford’s Gamma Upsilon Chapter: Alyson Nash, President; Catherine Wehage, Vice President; and Alexis Stone, Secretary; and the following members: Kimberly Adler, Summer Burns, Latoya Chesil, Jasmine Crank, Kerrin Dame, Joy Young-Kingsbury, Emily Kraczek, Michelle Labbe-Cresser, Micah Maye, Andrea Metz, and Munah Tukpei.

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