The Summer 2023 Nursing Class Pinning Ceremony for Harford Community College’s associate degree nursing graduates was held on Tuesday, August 22 in the Amoss Center in Bel Air. There were 28 graduates from the program in summer 2023.
The event was hosted by the College’s Division of Nursing and Allied Health Professions with Dr. Rebecca Diaz, Director for Nursing Education; and Dr. Ashley Meisel, Dean for Nursing and Allied Health Professions.
Congratulatory remarks were offered by Harford Community College President Dr. Theresa B. Felder. Full-time Nursing faculty Tasha Lawson, DNP, RN, CNS-AG, and Sonia Galvan, DNP, RN, CNE. presented the pins, and Gretchen Mirabile, MSN, RN, CPEN, and Jessica Powers, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CNE, handed the lamps to the graduates. Full-time Nursing faculty Galen Ziegler, MS, RN, read the names of the graduates. Full-time Nursing faculty Brandi Robinson, MSN, RN, led the graduates and all RNs in the audience as they recited the International Council of Nurses’ Pledge. Nursing Student Success and Remediation Specialist Brittany Daniels, BSN, RN, and Clinical Nursing Faculty Pamela Sanderson, BSN, RN, PCCN, presented roses to the graduates. Matthew Roach was the graduating class speaker.
In addition to nursing uniforms worn by all graduates, members of the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society and the Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society wore special cords to designate their membership. Three students received recognition awards: Emma Peller received the Maryland District 7 Leadership Award, Kelcy Morgan received the Spalding Leadership Award – Art of Nursing and Cindy Rogers received the Spalding Leadership Award – Science of Nursing.
Summer 2023 associate degree nursing graduates included: Bunmi Abiodun Adeleye, Kimberly Alt, Deyon Askew, Ally Barber, Taylor Bondura, Jamie Bowers, Daniel Claggett, Diana S. Diaz, Logan Eisenhardt, Tamela Futrell, Lucy Kanyiha, Jenna Keith, Caisha Kessler, Julia Kintzel, Candice Mitchell, Kelcy A. Morgan, Stephanie Morgan, Emma Peller, Rebekah Rhyne, Matthew Roach, Cindy K. Rogers, Hope L. Small, Lyssa Marie Stuckrath, Jordan Thacker, Melanie E. Watt, Eleanor Werneke, Sherry Whyte, and Kathleen J. Zylka.