The Fall 2022 Nursing Class Pinning Ceremony for Harford Community College’s 39 associate degree nursing graduates was held on December 14 in the Amoss Center in Bel Air.
The event was hosted by the College’s Division of Nursing and Allied Health Professions with Co-interim Deans Tony Wohlers, Ph.D.; Ashley Meisel, DNP, RN; and Laura Schenk, MS, RN, CNE; along with faculty and staff.
Full-time Nursing faculty Mary Beverly Gallagher, MS, RN, CNE led the graduates and all RNs in the audience in reciting the International Council of Nurses’ Pledge.
Co-interim Dean Tony Wohlers welcomed the students. Congratulatory remarks were offered by Harford Community College President Dr. Theresa B. Felder and Dr. Timothy Sherwood, Vice President for Academic Affairs. Full-time Nursing faculty Jessica Powers, DNP, RN, NPD-BC, CNE and Faith Andrews, MSN, RN, CNE presented the pins, and Joseph Santopietro, MSN, RN and Brandi Robinson, MSN, RN handed the lamps to the graduates. Full-time Nursing faculty Amanda Girardi, MS, RN, CNE read the names of the graduates. Jamie Peck was the graduating class speaker. Harford Community College Board of Trustees members in attendance included Dr. Judith A. Holloway, Rev. Cordell E. Hunter Sr., Christopher Payne, and Vice Chair Brian Walker.
In addition to nursing uniforms worn by all graduates, members of the Phi Theta Kappa National Honor Society and the Alpha Delta Nu Nursing Honor Society wore special cords to designate their membership. Two students received recognition awards: Megan Dean received the Spalding Science of Nursing Award and Emily Jagodzinski received the Spalding Art of Nursing Award.
The class also includes six Schwaber Scholars, Shaakira Anderson, Tewabech Chikssa, LaTera Davis, Madison Eurice, Olivia Manager, and Kristina Stemple. Longtime Harford Community College nursing scholarship donors, Dr. David & Alena Schwaber established an endowment that will fund nursing scholarships at Harford Community College in perpetuity. The endowed scholarships are awarded to nursing students beginning their third semester in the Nursing AS Program of Study who are enrolled at least half-time and have a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.0. A total of 20 students, ten in the fall semester and ten in the spring semester, are awarded scholarships each year. These students, known as Schwaber Scholars, are recognized by wearing a royal blue chord at their pinning ceremony.
Harford Community College’s fall 2022 nursing graduates include Justin Daniel Quintero Alindogan, Shaakira Anderson, Afua Apetoh, Michele Bender, Tewabech Chikssa, Krissy Constantine, Shana Cummings, LaTera Davis, Jordan Dawson, Megan Dean, Arianna Dixon, Warren Englehart, Madison Eurice, Samantha Feehley, D’Yana Flemings, Syretta Gibson, Andrew Grad, Jessica Grode, Kaitlynn Hamburg, Lauren Hart, Lakia Hewlett, Faith Hill, Matthew Howard, Emily Jagodzinski, Jennifer Kaufman, Olivia Manager, Alexandria Mason, Clayton McKinzie, Jamie Peck, Sarah Richards, Syed Sami Ul Hassan, Isabelle Schucker, Jaime Shaffer, Melody Sherrod, Patricia Sprinkle, Kristina Stemple, Ben Toroitich, Anastasia Vasilas, and Robert Whichard.