Submissions Sought for Photo Gallery of Honor
Resource Fair November 12
Harford County is celebrating veterans with a series of activities in November.
Beginning November 1, the county will publish submissions to a Photo Gallery of Honor featuring images of local veterans. Veterans, and family members who wish to honor a veteran living or deceased, are invited to submit a photo of a veteran, preferably in uniform, and information about their service.
Photos will be posted throughout November on the Facebook page for the Harford County James V. “Capt’n Jim” McMahan Commission on Veterans Affairs and on the county website at https://www.harfordcountymd.gov/927/Commission-on-Veterans-Affairs.
Submission forms and instructions are online at https://www.harfordcountymd.gov/FormCenter/Veterans-Affairs-Commission-60/Harford-County-Veterans-Virtual-Photo-Ga-403.
During National Veterans Small Business Week, Oct. 31 – Nov. 4, resources for veteran-owned businesses will be posted multiple times each day on the Facebook page for the Harford County Office of Community & Economic Development.
From November 7 – 13, Harford County will participate in the National Association of Counties’ new initiative, Operation Green Light, by illuminating in green the county office building in Bel Air. The green light is to let military veterans know they are seen, appreciated, and supported.
Local businesses interested in participating in Operation Green Light can contact the Harford County Chamber of Commerce, which is providing green lights free of charge to members and non-members alike.
On Saturday, November 12, the Harford County Veterans Family Resource Fair will be held from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main Street. The theme of this year’s fair is “Remembering the sacrifices of Harford County’s servicemembers, veterans, and family members.” The fair is free for all participants.
Veterans, all military, and their families are welcome to this one-stop event for information about veterans healthcare and benefits, a printed resource guide, a list of local businesses that offer discounts to veterans, and more. Veterans can also enter a drawing for a big screen TV and one of two $250 gift cards sponsored by APG Federal Credit Union. A free lunch from Mission BBQ will be provided.
At the fair, representatives from the VA and several veterans service organizations will discuss and check on claims, help veterans sign up for VA healthcare, and answer questions about important federal and state VA resources. Invited exhibitors include Veterans Benefits Administration, VA MD Health Care System (VAMHCS), Maryland Department of Veterans Affairs, Humana Military (Tricare Administrator), VFW, American Legion, DAV, and Maryland Vet Center for free counseling and referrals.
For the giveaways, all Harford County veterans who attend the fair will be given a ticket for a drawing to win a 70-inch TV with wall mount, or one of the gift cards. Contestants must be Harford County veterans and the drawing will be held live on the veterans commission’s Facebook page. Only one prize per veteran will be allowed.
The agenda for the November 12 Harford County Veterans Resource Fair appears below:
10:00 a.m. Opening ceremony – Remarks by County Executive Barry Glassman, Major General
Robert L. Edmonson II, Military Officers Association of America poster/essay
contest winners announced.
10:15 a.m. Exhibitor booths open, resource bags available, grab-and-go lunch
12:30 p.m. Drawing for big screen TV and gift cards
1:00 p.m. Fair concludes
The resource fair is organized by the Harford County James V. “Capt’n Jim” McMahan Commission on Veterans Affairs. The commission is made up of veterans and is active year-round, answering questions and connecting other veterans and their families to available resources. They can be reached at 410-638-4109 ext. 1813 or [email protected].
“Veterans, military personnel, and their families are the reason we’re a free nation,” County Executive Barry Glassman said. “We are deeply grateful for their service and continue to honor them around Veterans Day and throughout the year. Harford County’s all-volunteer veterans commission makes that possible, and I would like to thank them for assisting local veterans and for helping us celebrate their service.”