Joppatowne High School P-TECH Program Hosts Mock Interview Day with Help from Aberdeen Proving Ground Partners

Kristy Zander, Sajal Mirza

The Pathways in Technology Early College High School (P-TECH) program at Joppatowne High School continues to promote the ideals of North Star by preparing students to be college and career ready. On March 10, 2022, 30 P-TECH students participated in mock interviews with mentors from Aberdeen Proving Ground (APG), including the Army Communications Electronics Command (CECOM), Army Test and Evaluation Command (ATEC), and Regional Network Enterprise Center (RNEC).

Interviews were conducted both online and in-person. Students were dressed for success and received on-the-spot feedback. Mr. Shomari Zachary, P-TECH coordinator, stated, “This event set a standard for the P-TECH program and will provide students with cutting-edge skills in applying and interviewing for jobs in the technology field. The lessons and skills they gained from today will forever guide them.”

To prepare for the mock interviews, students participated in an exercise that mimicked mini-interview sessions to develop their interview skills. Parents and guardians were instrumental in prepping students by conducting mock interviews at home as well. At the conclusion of the event, students felt empowered and confident.

Kennedy Green, 10th grader, expressed, “This was an opportunity of growth and highlighted my real potential for the real world when I apply to cyber security jobs in the future.”

Emily Sisson, Thomas Sindle, Derrick Lyons, Adam Iles, James Liu

Another student, Cash Carter, grade 10, shared, “The feedback given to me afterwards was very helpful because the interviewers gave me better ways to remember my prepared thoughts and effective ways to practice for the interview.”

Harford County Public Schools is grateful to have such a strong partnership with CECOM at APG. CECOM’s contribution to Joppatowne High School’s P-TECH program is priceless.

Casi Boyer, CECOM HR Specialist, said, “Moving forward, these students will be applying for six-week internships that will start in 2024. It is our hope they will eventually choose to become Army civilian employees and work with us at APG. I can honestly tell you today was a pivotal experience in their careers.”

About P-TECH
The P-TECH Program combines the best elements of high school, college, and work-based learning. Students are immersed in high school as well as college courses while working in the field of Computer Information Systems or Cyber Security. The program empowers students to pursue advanced education and to be financially successful in a global economy. The program is offered at Joppatowne High School in partnership with Harford Community College and the U.S. Army Communications-Electronics Command on Aberdeen Proving Ground, offering students paid internships and individualized mentorship throughout their educational journey. The program is open-source, meaning any rising ninth
grader may apply.

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