Harford County Government is collecting diapers and wipes for local families in need this February.
The demand for such necessities, which are not covered by many “safety-net” programs like Women, Infants, and Children (WIC), Medicaid, and the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), has increased drastically in recent months at local pantries.
“Low-income families are having to choose between buying diapers for their child or buying food,” said Amber Shrodes, Director of Harford County Community Services. “Babies need clean, dry diapers to stay healthy, but some families simply can’t afford it. And the stress of not being able to provide basic needs for your child has trickle-down effects, from caregiver anxiety to children’s emotional distress.”
New, unopened diapers and wipes in the original packaging are being accepted at collection boxes in county government buildings, parks and recreation facilities including senior centers, and public libraries through the end of February. They will be distributed to local nonprofit groups serving families.

“Thanks to the generosity of our citizens, we brought thousands of warm socks, mittens, and gloves to individuals experiencing homelessness with our Socktober collection drive, and we provided hundreds of toiletries to veterans in need in November,” County Executive Barry Glassman said. “This February, we hope you’ll help us send some love to Harford’s babies by dropping off a package of diapers or wipes at one of our county-wide collection boxes.”
Harford County companies, organizations, and schools that would like to participate in Harford County Government’s first annual Diaper Drive may learn more at www.harfordcountymd.gov/3375/February-Diaper-Drive. Help spread the word by sharing the Diaper Drive flyer from the Harford County Government and Harford County Community Services Facebook pages.