Dogs, Cats & Toads
Our January adoption special has gone to the dogs! To ring in the new year, all month the adoption fee on all dogs is just $20.22.
Ages: 8 months – 1 year
Breeds: Akita Mixes
Adoption Fee: $20.22 each
Now serving the Akita Family, Party of Five…your table is ready! On the menu today are year-and-a-half old parents Kobe and Sheba and their 8-month-old pups, Lucky, Lucy and Loki. Our special today and all month long is $20.22 adoption fees on all dogs. May we start you off with an appetizer? This sweet family is so charming and guaranteed to warm your heart on cold, winter days. They do NOT to be adopted together, but future play dates CAN be scheduled between adoptive families, if so desired! So here’s your check and doggy bag and please come see us soon!
Cats of the Week – KING & KIIARA
Age: 4 years & 6 years
Color: Orange (King) & Brown Tabby (Kiiara)
Breed: Domestic Shorthair Mixes
Gender: Male & Female
Adoption Fee: $95 & $45
“I’m gonna be the main event like no king was before. I’m brushing up on looking down, I’m working on my roar. Oh, I just can’t wait to be king!” -The Lion King
Hey there, I’m a pretty laid-back guy, mostly sitting on my throne and admiring my kingdom and servants (you). I’m a big softy, so I’ll give you all the love and snuggles you want. Plus, I’m a sucker for my wet food. Boy does this king like to eat! I came here with my pal, Kiiara, and she’s the best-est too, I promise! She loves to sit in your lap and purr…this girl has one of the loudest motors ever! If you’re wild about cats and have room in your heart for two purrfect little nuggets, then come to the shelter today!
Critters of the Week – MR. JEREMY FISHER 1-3
Age: adult
Color: Black, Tan & Green
Breed: American Toads
Gender: Females
Adoption Fee: $5 each
Once upon a time there were three toads called the Mr. Jeremy Fishers; they sat under little rock huts in a glass tank in the critter room of the Humane Society. They liked getting their feet wet in their swimming pool and feeling the cool mist against their bumpy dry skin as their caretakers sprayed their habitat with water to keep the humidity just right. They were quite pleased whenever they saw crickets drop down from above and eagerly hobbled out from under their hiding spots to nab those tasty little insects with their quick as lightning tongues. They would swallow them whole with a big gulp, their eyes blinking slowly with satisfaction. This routine continued until one day, some new faces appeared on the other side of the glass saying “You three are coming home with us.” The Mr. Jeremy Fishers lived happily ever after in their new home, snacking on crickets to their heart’s content!