Specially Equipped Vehicle to Safely Transport Larger Patients
Harford County government has purchased and placed into service the county’s first bariatric ambulance specially equipped for larger patients.
The 2021 International CV 5500 Wheeled Coach is the fifth county-owned ambulance in its fleet, which supplements services provided by volunteer fire companies countywide.
Although bariatric calls are infrequent, it is crucial to have resources that serve all patients and ensure the safety of first responders. The new ambulance has a heavy-duty stretcher, ramps, and a winch to safely load larger patients.
The new ambulance can also be used with a standard stretcher.
Prior to this purchase, Joppa-Magnolia Volunteer Fire Company provided many years of dedicated service for bariatric patients in Harford County.
“The addition of a bariatric ambulance to our fleet will be a resource for our volunteer fire companies and paid service providers countywide and in the region,” County Executive Barry Glassman said. “Most importantly, it will provide safe emergency transport for first responders and larger patients.”