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Is the stress of life getting to be too much?
Let’s face it. The hits keep coming in 2020. It’s an emotional rollercoaster of ups, downs and swift curves.
I have an easy-to-follow tip that’s often overlooked.
Practice gratitude.
What is gratitude? Gratitude is giving thanks. It’s showing appreciation. It’s returning kindness. It’s a warm, fuzzy feeling. It helps you slow down in the moment as you feel thankful towards a person or thing. You can feel grateful for something small or something big.
Being grateful reduces stress, increases feel-good vibes and gets rid of negative thoughts because you’re filling your heart and mind with happy thoughts.
Here’s how to practice gratitude daily.
First, think of something you are grateful for. Did something happen recently that makes you smile?
Second, savor the feeling. Take a moment to relish the warm, fuzzy feelings. Smile. This is the moment you are experiencing genuine gratitude. Bask in the feeling and soak in all it’s wonderfulness.
Third, express gratitude. Send a text or email, a handwritten card, or a message on social media thanking this person for what you are grateful for.
You will feel good expressing your gratitude and they’ll feel good hearing it! You could also “pay it forward” and do an act of kindness. The ideas are endless!
Don’t forget, true gratitude does not expect anything in return. It is done with a sincere heart to create a succession of good.
Now that you know how to practice gratitude, try it for yourself right now and every day. Whether it’s in the morning, during a mid-day break or in the evening before you sleep, incorporate it into your daily living.
“There are always flowers for those who want to see them.” — Henri Matisse
For more tips on how to stress less and get happy, read this.
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