Fall is officially here! Pumpkins, colorful leaves, apple cider, acorns…these are all things we think about when we think of the fall season.
While all these sound fun, do you feel a little down these days? In fact, can you relate to any of these symptoms:
- low energy/fatigue
- moody/irritable
- feeling depressed
- sad
- problems sleeping
- feeling hopeless
- changes in appetite or weight
If so, you’re not alone! It’s quite common when seasons change. You may be experiencing SAD, seasonal affective disorder. While you can experience it any time of year, it is most common in the fall and winter. In the winter, it’s often referred to as the “winter blues”.
There are a few theories as to why people experience SAD. The lack of sunlight in the cooler months may contribute to this short-term mood disorder. Less sunlight means less serotonin which means less happy feelings. Another theory is that hormones trigger these changes.

There are things you can do at home to help prevent or lessen the symptoms.
- Eat a well-balanced diet – lean protein, fruits, vegetables, healthy carbs, water
- Exercise – 5 days a week for at least 30 minutes a day.
- Get outdoors – enjoy the sun, even on cloudy days. Fresh air is good for the soul.
- Be social – meet with friends (in person or virtually)
- Say your gratitudes – each day, think of something you’re grateful for. Write it in a journal or type it in the notes section of your cell phone. Focusing on the positives create feel-good emotions.
If you need more resources on any of the above, contact Julia at [email protected]
If your symptoms are cause for concern and/or they’re lasting a long time, you should consult your doctor.
If you have thoughts of death or suicide, reach out for help. There are resources available to you, such as the Harford Crisis Center. https://harfordcrisiscenter.org/