Everyone Deserves to Be Understood

Photo by Maria Krisanova on Unsplash

Just like the Phoenix arises from the ashes

You can overcome challenges

Do you know someone who is experiencing communication issues, either brought on by a stroke, Parkinson’s disease or maybe persistent hoarseness?

Or do you know someone who is losing their concentration or memory from a recent concussion?

Do you know somebody that speaks with a lisp or even stutters?

On this episode of Harford County Living, Rich Bennett and Brian Godfrey sat down with Amy Bland and she owns a company called Phoenix Speech Therapy. She visits and sits down with adults and children that have these problems and helps them with their speech.

It’s amazing when someone comes on the show and tell us everything they do, some things we didn’t think could be done. There is hope for people that run into problems like this. With concussions, did you realized that going to a speech therapist can help with the memory?

Problem swallowing? That is also a problem that speech therapy can help with. So, if you know of anyone or if you yourself are suffering from anything like this, give Amy a call. A lot of people don’t even realize they may have a problem, or you may not even notice that you have a problem.

There are a couple of things that you can do to find out. Listen to this episode to find out more.

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Phoenix Speech Therapy

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