More than $353,000 has been donated to nonprofits serving women, children in nine years
The Women’s Giving Circle of Harford County has awarded 13 grants in 2019, totaling $43,905. Over the past nine years, the Women’s Giving Circle has donated more than $353,000 to nonprofits serving women and children in Harford County.
The grantees will be recognized at the group’s general membership meeting September 26 at Harford Community College.
“What an impact the Women’s Giving Circle of Harford County has made on women, children and families in nine years,” said Kim Malat, chair of the Women’s Giving Circle of Harford County. “I am extremely proud of and grateful for the work done by our Grant Committee. Members diligently review, score and rank the requests, ensuring they are in line with our organization’s vision, mission and criteria. Each year, the number of applications received continues to grow. We are excited to see the numbers increase next year and look forward to reaching more nonprofits.”
Grants of $5,000 were awarded to Girl Scouts of Central Maryland for Rockin’ Robotics; Harford Community Action Agency for Family Together: Maintaining Shelter Through Crisis; Harford County Education Foundation for One Harford, One Book; Homecoming Project for shelter support; and TasteWise Kids for Days of Taste.
The Women’s Giving Circle provided CASA of Harford County a $4,000 grant for its Advocate and Youth Activity Fund. The SUCCESS Project was awarded a $3,000 grant for SUCCESS transportation and childcare, and JAMSQUAD received a $2,625 grant for One Community Two Wheels.
Grants of $2,500 were awarded to Improving Education for Bedtime in a Box and Addiction Connection Resource, Inc., for Teens Left Behind.
The Sharing Table received a $1,780 grant for its weekly meal and grocery distribution; Faith Communities and Civic Agencies United, $1,500 for the Welcome One Emergency Shelter; and Ben’s Wish Foundation, $1,000, for its care and bereavement project at University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health.
Founded in 2010, the Women’s Giving Circle of Harford County is dedicated to engaging women of all generations in the power of community philanthropy to address the needs of women and families. More information may be found at www.wgchco.wildapricot.org.