Record Investments in Education and Public Safety; No Tax Increases
Harford County Executive Barry Glassman signed legislation today enacting the county’s fiscal year 2020 budget and issued the following statement:
“I would like to thank County Council President Vincenti, and Council members Beulah, Woods, Giangiordano and Shrodes for approving the FY 20 budget, which invests record-level funding in education and public safety, without raising tax rates. This budget also marks the fifth year in a row that funding has been provided to increase salaries for teachers, law enforcement and county employees, all of whom provide vital services for our citizens. I would especially like to thank my budget staff and everyone who supported our budget this year. Together, we continue to move Harford County forward. ”
Although student enrollment in Harford County Public Schools has remained relatively flat, the county budget provides the school system with a $10.7 million increase, which together with state increases will far exceed the school board’s budget request for next year. Specifically, these increases combined will provide nearly $26 million more to education in FY 20 and a total operating budget for HCPS of nearly half a billion dollars.
Over the past five years, county and state increases have provided $55 million more to HCPS to educate approximately the same number of students.
Unfortunately, the article fails to mention a primary feature of this budget: the school system is losing over 100 positions (classroom teachers, school-based administrators, and central office). I’m sorry that you’ve been mislead by the county executive so as to publish his dishonest graphic without rebuttal.