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Harford County Prescription Drug Take Back Day Saturday, April 27
Harford County will participate in National Prescription Drug Take Back Day, Saturday, April 27, for citizens to safely dispose of unwanted prescription medications. The Harford County Office of Drug Control Policy, in partnership with the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration, Maryland State Police, Harford County Sheriff’s Office and Havre de Grace Police Department, urges citizens to take part in this event to prevent drug abuse. Collected medications are kept out of the sewer system and properly disposed of without harming the environment.
Collections will be held from 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. at the following locations: the parking lot of the Harford County Government Administrative Building at 220 S. Main Street in Bel Air, Havre de Grace Police Station, 715 Pennington Avenue in Havre de Grace; Maryland State Police Barrack D, 1401 Belair Road in Bel Air, and Wegmans in Abingdon.
Harford County, in cooperation with federal, state and local partners, has been recognized by the DEA as a leader in the drug take back program, having recovered nearly 30,000 pounds of unused prescription drugs since 2014.
“I am proud that Harford County citizens understand how important it is to prevent these medicines from getting into the wrong hands,” County Executive Barry Glassman said. “Through National Drug Take Back Day and our other collection efforts, we are helping to prevent drug abuse while protecting the environment.”
Harford County holds two drug take back events each year, and has permanent drop off boxes available 24/7 at the following locations, no questions asked:
Aberdeen Police Department | 60 N Parke St., Aberdeen
Bel Air Police Department | 39 N. Hickory Avenue, Bel Air
Havre de Grace Police Department |715 Pennington Avenue, Havre de Grace
Sheriff’s Main Office | 45 S. Main Street, Bel Air
Sheriff’s Northern Precinct | 3724 Norrisville Road, Jarrettsville
Sheriff’s Southern Precinct | 1305 Pulaski Highway, Edgewood
State Police Bel Air Barrack | 1401 Belair Road, Bel Air
The Office of Drug Control Policy, a division of the Harford County Department of Community Services, is Harford County’s Lead Prevention Agency. For more information about this event or prescription drug abuse, please contact the Harford County Office of Drug Control Policy at [email protected] or 410-638-3333.