Harford Family House, one of the only organizations of its kind in Harford County providing services to entire families experiencing homelessness, is proud to announce the election of Frank P. Kellner and Lt. Will Reiber to its board of directors.

Frank P. Kellner graduated from Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia with a Bachelor of Science in accounting and business administration in 1989. Kellner joined The Harford Mutual Insurance Companies’ ranks in 1990 as claims examiner; after various leadership roles in the organization’s claims department, he was named vice president of claims in 2003. In 2013, Kellner assumed the role of corporate secretary for Harford Mutual. Today, he serves as the company’s Vice President – Claims & Corporate Secretary. His commitment to his community was recognized in 2017 when he was named one of Harford County’s most beautiful people by the Harford County Government.

Lt. Will Reiber began his career as a police officer in 1999 as a member of the 30th graduating class of the Maryland Transit Authority Police. A lifelong Harford County resident, Reiber fulfilled one of his childhood dreams by joining the Aberdeen Police Department in 2006. As lieutenant, Reiber commands the administrative division of the department; he also serves as lead public information officer, where he timely and accurately disseminates information to key stakeholders on matters of public safety. Under his leadership, the Department has created a series of highly interactive social media initiatives aimed at promoting community inclusion and involvement. A long-time supporter of Harford Family House, Reiber has participated in the organization’s annual “Home Runs for the Homeless” home run derby for ten consecutive years and has assisted in rejuvenating apartments for incoming families and organizing gift drives to benefit families.
“With great pleasure and excitement we welcome Frank and Will to our Board of Directors,” says CEO of Harford Family House, Robin Tomechko. “Their passion, expertise and influence within our community will help us continue to educate the public and business community that homelessness does exist within Harford County, but it can be overcome through a strong, collaborative effort!”
For more information about Harford Family House and ways to support its mission to help families and unaccompanied young adults who are experiencing homelessness transition into stable/permanent housing, visit harfordfamilyhouse.org or call 410-273-6700.
About Harford Family House – www.harfordfamilyhouse.org
Harford Family House is the largest provider of transitional housing for families with children experiencing homelessness in Harford County. Other programs include HUD Supportive Housing for families with children experiencing homelessness where one family member has a disability, Wheels for Work, providing transportation to and from work while helping families work toward car ownership, and Ready by 21, a program to support unaccompanied young adults ages 18-21 who are involved with the foster care system. Clients are provided with a fully furnished apartment or house and receive case management services and referrals to partner agencies to move them from homelessness and despair to hope and independence.