Harford County Public Schools Receives $1.3 Million Grant to Improve Literacy Skills for Struggling Students




Harford County Public Schools’ (HCPS) Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment Office has been awarded a three-year, $1.3 million grant to support the development of pre-literacy skills and reading and writing skills for children, from birth through grade 12, in Harford County.


The Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant is a federal grant awarded by the Maryland State Department of Education and is designed to create a comprehensive approach to improve literacy among all children, especially those living in poverty, those with limited English proficiency, and those with disabilities.


Harford County’s literacy plan includes evidence-based strategies and interventions to support schools and provide them with the resources needed to ensure all HCPS students are prepared for success in college and the work place.


“The Striving Readers Comprehensive Literacy Grant is a wonderful opportunity for Harford County Public Schools to continue established work regarding our literacy plan. We are thankful to the Maryland State Department of Education for fully funding our request,” said Susan P. Brown, Ed.D., executive director of Division of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment for HCPS. “We look forward to the work ahead, as well as the support this grant will provide to our teachers, administrators, and most certainly, our students.”


In addition to the work taking place in schools and classrooms, the literacy plan will align the actions of partnering agencies working with children from birth to age 5, including childcare, Head Start, Harford County Public Library, and targeted elementary schools, and focus on training for leaders and staff and increasing family engagement.

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