The People Have Voted, and the Winners Are…




Your 2017 Harford County Living Community Choice Awards Winners



It was such a success last year that we had to do it again. And yes, we will be doing it for 2018 and adding more categories as you all have suggested. We also decided to add links to the Winners websites this year. This year, “What is Your Favorite Local Salon>” had the most nominations and votes, so congratulations to all of you.


We see awards for businesses, people and organizations every year in Harford County, and even though some of them are voted on by the people, we wanted to give you the opportunity to suggest categories and local businesses. We are huge in supporting local businesses as you know, and when we see other sources have awards for “local businesses”, they include national chains for some reason.


We would like to congratulate all the businesses and organizations nominated and we would like to invite all the winners and nominees to be guests on our podcast. Please contact us so we can schedule a day and time for someone from your organization to come join the show and promote yourselves. You can email [email protected].


Thank you to everyone that voted.


And your Winners for the first Harford County Living Community Choice Awards are:


Favorite Local Yoga Studio:

Love Evolution Studio


Favorite Local Podcast or Internet Show:

Mountain Christian Church


Favorite Local Park: 

Rocks State Park


Favorite Local Annual Event:

Harford County Farm Fair


Favorite Local Family Entertainment Place:

Great Escapes Harford


Favorite Local Coffee Shop:

Coffee Coffee


Favorite Local Farm Market:

Wilson’s Farm Market


Favorite Local Consignment Shop:

Belle Patri


Favorite Local Computer Store/Repair:

Maryland Computer Store


Favorite Local Plumbing Company:

Plumb Crazy


Favorite Local Salon:

The Hair Lodge


Favorite Local Landscape Company:

PT Lawn Care and Landscaping


Favorite Local Service Organization:

Lots of Love Food Pantry


Favorite Local 501c3:

Humane Society of Harford County


Favorite Local Radio Station:

91.1 FM WHFC










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