Sister Lucy: The Mother Teresa of Pune


Sister Lucy Kurien founded Maher in 1997, one small home in a village outside of Pune. This humble beginning has blossomed into over 30 homes in over 85 rural communities around Pune, India as well as locations in Ratnagiri, Kerala and Jharkhan and has served over 4,000 women, men and children. Maher means mother’s home in Marathi. Sister Lucy has created the warmth and love of a mother’s home for the abused and traumatized women and their children. Part of Maher’s genius is that incoming women are cared for by a highly competent staff of mostly women – who themselves had once sought refuge at Maher. Sister Lucy says her prayer for the future is that the fire of real Love will ignite more people’s hearts, and inspire them to join this vital work. It can be done anywhere, and is needed everywhere.

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