Visit Harford Streams, Send in Selfies, Win Prizes
This summer, explore the natural beauty of Harford County streams, take selfies at your favorite locations and win prizes in Harford Streams Summer Adventure, a program from the Harford County Department of Public Works’ Office of Watershed Protection and Restoration.
Harford Streams Summer Adventure raises awareness and support for protecting natural resources by encouraging visitors to Harford County’s scenic waterways. County citizens of all ages are welcome to join in the program, which is open now through September 4, 2017.
Participation is easy. Simply register and choose places to visit from the list of Harford stream locations, with the option of substituting up to five county locations of your own. Use Harford Streams’ online app to send in selfies from seven different locations to earn a free Harford Streams Summer Adventure T-shirt. Visit 11 locations for a chance to win a guided pontoon boat ride on Otter Point Creek for up to 15 people; visit 15 spots for a chance at a family membership to the Maryland Science Center.
New this year, in partnership with the nonprofit Visit Harford, county residents and non-residents alike can win a T-shirt and other prizes in a “poker run” planned for Saturday, July 15. Beginning at the Harford Glen Environmental Education Center in Bel Air, participants will visit a total of five locations and take selfies while collecting one playing card from an attendant at each site. All participants who complete the poker run will earn a T-shirt and the players with the top poker hands will win additional prizes. Details will be published in mid-June on the county website.
“Harford County has so many beautiful streams to enjoy; we want to raise awareness and help preserve them for the next generation,” said County Executive Barry Glassman. “I hope you’ll join me this summer in discovering and rediscovering some of these special places in our own backyard.”
Visit the county website today to register for the program, view a complete list of Harford stream locations and start uploading selfies with a stream in the background to qualify for prizes at
Share your adventures on social media using the hashtag #HarfordStreams2017 and follow the fun on Facebook at Harford Streams, on Twitter @HarfordCountyMD, and on Instagram at Harford_County_Government_.