Harford County government, under the administration of County Executive Barry Glassman, is proud to introduce a three-part “Community Conversation” series on planning for the future of a loved one with a disability. These free informational workshops, presented by the Department of Community Service’s Office of Disability Services and the Harford County Commission on Disabilities’ Education Committee, are open to the public and will be held on the following topics at the dates and locations listed below.
Special Needs Planning – How do I plan for my loved one’s future?
Wednesday, February 8, 2017, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
William N. McFaul Activities Center
525 W. MacPhail Road, Bel Air
Presented by Monty Knittle, CFA, this workshop will help families understand how to use financial planning to help save for their loved one without jeopardizing government benefits or parental retirement.
Guardianship & Healthcare Alternatives – Responsible Planning
Wednesday, March 8, 2017, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
William N. McFaul Activities Center
525 W. MacPhail Road, Bel Air
Presented by Sally Stanfield, attorney, this workshop will help participants explore the pros and cons of guardianship and determine whether a guardian is right for their loved one.
Letter of Intent Workshop – Preparing for the Future (Space Limited)
Wednesday, April 5, 2017, 6:00 – 8:00 p.m.
The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region Computer Lab
4513 Philadelphia Road, Aberdeen
Presented by Sue Rattman of The Arc Northern Chesapeake Region, this hands-on workshop walks participants through the steps of writing a letter of intent to document their loved one’s wishes, likes, dislikes, history, habits, and experiences in the event that a caregiver is no longer able to care for their loved one with a disability.
“Our goal is to reach out and connect with families and individuals in Harford County who are caring for a loved one with disabilities, often without help or support,” said Rachel Harbin, disabilities coordinator at the Office of Disability Services. “Whether the caregiver is a parent, grandparent, sibling, other family member, a friend, or a staff person, one common denominator that we see is concern for the future. We hope this series offers participants peace of mind about the future of their loved ones.”
The workshops are free, but registration is required. To register and request any necessary accommodations, please contact Rachel Harbin at [email protected] or 410-638-3373.