Founded by American Express in 2010, Small Business Saturday encourages communities to shop locally and support the small, independently owned businesses that create jobs and boost local economies. Held on the Saturday after Thanksgiving, this year’s big day is November 26, 2016. Small businesses throughout Harford County will be participating again this year, and some will be offering special discounts and giveaways for holiday shoppers. Harford County is home to hundreds of these independent shops and restaurants offering unique gifts and tasty treats in a pleasant hometown atmosphere.
“Harford County’s small businesses sustain local families, bring jobs that strengthen our economy, and often give generously in our community,” said County Executive Barry Glassman. “Small Business Saturday is a perfect opportunity to support these businesses and enjoy holiday shopping close to home.”
Coffee Coffee is a family owned and operated shop in Bel Air that has participated since the inception of Small Business Saturday. “This is our busiest day of the year,” said Hillary Depman Tayson who runs the shop with her mother, Betsy Depman. “We see a lot of customers that day, coming in for coffee and browsing our gift selections; the shopper traffic is definitely attributed to the Shop Small promotion.”
For more information about Small Business Saturday throughout Harford County, follow the links below compiled by the Harford County Office of Economic Development. For an interactive map of Christmas tree farms, please visit
Small Business Saturday sites: Bel Air, Havre de Grace, American Express – Shop Small Locator
The Harford County Office of Economic Development offers a variety of tools to assist small businesses with startup and growth opportunities. To learn more, contact the office at 410-638-3059 or [email protected].