Saturday, October 8, from 10:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Bel Air Armory, 37 N. Main Street Bel Air, the Harford County Veterans Commission will hold a free information fair open to every Veteran. This is the “Go to” place for veterans with a question, need or problem. That’s Saturday October 8th.
With over 22,000 veterans in Harford County, County Executive Barry Glassman has focused new interest on the Harford County Veterans Commission. More than 30 military and civilian volunteers provide assistance through a variety of resources.
The Veterans Fair will provide information from Veteran Service Organizations, Aberdeen Proving Ground, Harford Community College, the Veterans Center, local service organizations, the Department of Veterans Affairs, and many more. There will be information on jobs, Veterans Benefits Assistance, Veterans Health Care, Women’s Veterans issues, and survivor programs.
Don’t miss this opportunity!!
For more information contact [email protected] or 410-638-4109, Ext. 1865.