Are You Ready for the Next Emergency? Be Safe, Make Your Emergency Plan Today



Barry Glassman Harford County Seal


Catastrophic events caused by hurricanes, earthquakes, tornadoes, floods, snowstorms, and fire can happen anywhere, anytime. Harford County has successfully recovered from previous critical events because of year-round preparedness and planning. The Harford County Department of Emergency Services develops plans for mitigation, prevention, preparedness, response and recovery in all types of hazards.


“Our planning professionals and first-responders do an outstanding job, but I urge all citizens to plan how they will communicate and protect themselves and their loved ones in an emergency,” said Harford County Executive Barry Glassman.


September is National Preparedness Month, and an opportunity to stay safe by making an emergency plan.


The Department of Emergency Services recommends the following steps to stay informed, make a plan, and build a kit to help your family and pets survive until help arrives.


Stay informed by signing up for emergency notifications at


For emergency broadcasts, listen to radio stations WXCY 103.7 FM and WHFC 91.1 FM.


A basic emergency plan should consider the following:


  • How will my household get emergency alerts and warnings?
  • Where are the nearest safe locations and how will we get there?
  • How will we communicate if cellphone, Internet, or landlines are not working?
  • How will I let loved ones know that I am safe?
  • Where is our meeting place following an emergency?


A basic emergency kit should include:


  • One gallon of water per person per day for at least three days, for drinking and sanitation
  • A minimum three-day supply of nonperishable food
  • Battery-powered radio and NOAA weather radio with tone alert
  • Flashlight and extra batteries
  • First aid kit
  • Manual can opener for food
  • Cellphone with chargers, inverter or solar charger


For additional information on making a plan and building a kit, please go to or


The Department of Emergency Services also offers a 4-week training class, Prepare Because You Care, designed to educate the community on disaster planning and readiness.  The first class begins on September 14, so sign up now while spots are still available.


If you have a business or other organization, creating a continuity and recovery plan is essential to quickly resuming operations after a devastating storm or crisis. For more information call 410-638-4900.

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