Susquehannock Wildlife Society


Susquehannock Wildlife Society’s “Night With the Wild” Gala to be Held on June 17


Spend a “Night With the Wild,” a charity event to benefit the nonprofit Susquehannock Wildlife Society, and help award the title of 2016 Ultimate Ambassador for Wildlife. This evening of wildlife-themed food, drinks, music, and a few feathered, furry, and scaled special guests is open to those 21 and older and will be held Friday, June 17 from 7 pm to midnight at Deer Creek Overlook in Rocks State Park.


All proceeds from the “Night With the Wild” gala will help fund the costs of renovating and constructing the Susquehannock Wildlife Center – a first-of-its-kind hub for wildlife education, research, and rehabilitation in northern Maryland.


Guests will enjoy fine food, wine, craft beers, open bar, bourbon lounge, Tito’s Vodka Signature Drink station, live and silent auctions, rare and exquisite jewelry raffles, Big Stakes Gaming Wheel, 50/50 rescue raffle, music to stir your inner animal moves, and a very special visit and photo opportunity with some wild guests of honor. Black tie is optional, but wear your gala gowns with your favorite cowboy boots!


We’ve also wrangled up The Wild Bunch – a notable and notorious group of community activists who believe in our mission to stand together to protect our wildlife and have their own mission, to become one of our wildlife ambassadors by fundraising and advocating on behalf of the Susquehannock Wildlife Society. But this is more than a mission – it is also a competition! The ambassador to raise the most funding will be announced the evening of our “Night with the Wild Gala” as the 2016 Ultimate Ambassador for Wildlife – a title and trophy that will be held for a lifetime!


The Wild Bunch teams include Team Rouse & Company (Harford and Baltimore Counties’ favorite morning show), Team Harford’s Heart (Harford County’s favorite ‘little’ magazine), Team Towson Wildlife (biology students from Towson University), Team Harford County Living (local information and event website), The Feather Merchants (former environmental science students), Team Ecotone (ecosystem restoration services company), The Precocious Possums (veterinary technician students from the Community College of Baltimore County), Team Crotalus (avid amateur herpetologists), North Harford High School Team (“Duck Farmers for Wildlife”), and Team Chad Shrodes (Harford County Councilman from District D).


“I am honored to be a member of The Wild Bunch of the Susquehannock Wildlife Society, a group committed to the conservation and protection of local wildlife. During their first five years they have made a significant impact through awareness campaigns, conservation advocacy and the rehabilitation of injured animals. The success of this organization assures us our natural environments will continue to flourish, guaranteeing the enjoyment and appreciation of future generations. I urge our community to offer their time, effort and financial resources to this meaningful wildlife sanctuary, rehabilitation and educational center,” said Harford County Councilman Chad Shrodes.



Meet the Wild Bunch teams, watch their progress, and donate to Susquehannock Wildlife
Society through your favorite team to help them become the 2016 Ultimate Ambassador for
Wildlife at http://www.susquehannockwildlife.org/gala2016/wildbunch/


Tickets for this one-of-a-kind event are limited and can be purchased for $80 each
at http://www.susquehannockwildlife.org/gala2016/tickets/


Sponsorships opportunities are still available. For more information, please
contact [email protected]. Sponsors to date include Harford County Government, Tito’s
handmade vodka, Weyerbacher, Wilson’s Farm Market, LaGrange Farm, Laughing Mantis
Studio, Sonipak Design and Marketing, Stem Graphics Print Shop, Ronnie’s Beverage
Warehouse, River Breeze Services, Ecotone, Inc., Mid-Atlantic Turtle and Tortoise Society,
TapSnap, Sappari Solutions, Coffee Coffee, The Wright Fit, Fox & Fern, Artfully Rustic,
STREETWISE, and The Arena Club.


For more information about this event or other local wildlife issues, or if you’re looking to donate
or volunteer, please contact the Susquehannock Wildlife Society via their wildlife hotline at
443-333-WILD (-9453), by email at [email protected], or visit their web site at

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