From the YouTube Channel of Silvercloud Speaks!
This video is part of a 4 hour conversation with the late Elder Silvercloud who lived in Conowingo, Maryland until his passing from Cancer in 2005. This segment was recorded approximately 6 weeks before he passed away (peacefully in his sleep). May Creator bless those wonderful home hospice people who made his last days as comfortable as possible.
In this clip he talks about the seven years he worked at the Conowingo Dam and, in particular, the events surrounding Hurricane Agnes in June 1972 that nearly destroyed the dam. He gives a gripping account of activities in the dam during the storm, describing vividly a night when they literally thought the dam could be washed away at any minute!
Silvercloud makes claims about severe damage occurring to the dam as a result of the hurricane that, if true, should be of concern to anyone living below the dam today. Can Epoxy really be used to brace something as big as a dam and, if so, how long can it be expected to hold?
The producers of this documentary make no claims concerning the accuracy of the statements contained within. We simply present the words of Elder Silvercloud whole and intact, with no editing of content. We encourage interested parties to do their own research.
Music by Voice of Golden Eagle (VoGE)