The Lions Clubs of District 22A are holding a Color Walk/Run on Saturday, May 2nd to raise awareness of Diabetes and the benefits of exercise. It will take place on the Ma & Pa Trail starting at Friends Park in Forest Hill from 9:00-12:00. Participants may bring or purchase t-shirts which will be sprayed with non harmless colored powder for each ¼ mile walked. The more mileage the more colors! Families are urged to participate for a fun-filled morning as well as those wishing pleasant exercise. Pedometers, water, and snacks will be given to participants and our Lion friend will greet you!
The cost is $15 for adults, $10 for students and seniors and no cost for children under 6 if sent in prior to April 25th. Costs rise by $5 after that date. You can register by going to the Bel Air Lions website www.belairlions.org and signing up or downloading the brochure. You can also request a brochure or information by calling District 22A Chair Bobbie Whitlock at 410-838-3555.
Proceeds will go toward scholarships for Camp Possibilities for diabetic children. This week long camp is held in Darlington each year for children to have fun in the out of doors as well as better learning to cope with their disease.
As well as many other programs, Lions Clubs are committed to helping our citizens become aware of diabetes and its serious complications. Lifestyle changes such as physical activity and a healthy body weight can reduce the risks of retinopathy and amputations. Walk often and encourage your friends to join you!
Lions service projects include sight, hearing, health & welfare and youth activities. 100% of all money raised goes back into the community!