Harford residents help clean up shoreline in annual River Sweep


Via Baltimore Sun

Jennifer and Adam Wilson, of Whiteford, had one of their first dates watching the fireworks overlooking the Chesapeake Bay on Fourth of July at Millard Tydings Memorial Park in Havre de Grace.

Years later, the couple and their two-year old son, Samuel, walked along the same shore picking up trash and debris Saturday morning for the 14th annual River Sweep.

“It’s just knowing that we are helping the Bay and preserving it for future generations,” Jennifer Wilson said. “Especially now that we have a son.”

The Wilsons have been joining hundreds of other Harford County residents at the park for eight years to pick up bottle caps, shoes and other debris from along the shoreline to stop it from getting into the Chesapeake Bay.


“We pulled a lot of trash out of there,” Jennifer Wilson said. “And every year we pull a little bit less. It feels like we are making a dent.”


River Sweep is a volunteer shoreline and roadside clean-up in honor of Earth Day that is sponsored by the Lower Susquehanna Heritage Greenway. Participants spend the morning removing trash and other debris the Chesapeake Bay, Susquehanna River and tributaries that feed into the river.


This year’s River Sweep sites were at locations in Havre de Grace, Perryville and Port Deposit and on Garrett Island. Added this year were the National Historic Tome School, on what was the Bainbridge Naval Training Center in Port Deposit the Conowingo Creek Boat Launch in Conowingo.

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/harford/aberdeen-havre-de-grace/ph-ag-river-sweep-2014-0430-20140427,0,3736634.story#ixzz30E5xh3jZ

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