Edgewood High Chamber Singers joins Parkville retirement community for intergenerational concert


Via The Aegis

BY BRYNA ZUMER, [email protected]6:15 a.m. EDT, April 8, 2014

They were decades apart in age, but Sunday night, they joined voices for a concert that defied any generation gap.

It was the first of two performances of “Sing – For a Lifetime!,” an intergenerational venture between the Edgewood High School Chamber Singers and the chorus at Oak Crest, a retirement community in Parkville.

The teenagers and seniors had exchanged letters for several months but rehearsed together for the first time just several hours before the first show.

Another show was scheduled for Monday night. Both were held at Oak Crest’s chapel, which was filled Sunday with Oak Crest residents and Edgewood parents and friends.

Sallie Horner, director of Oak Crest Village Chorus, had the idea for an intergenerational concert and met with Jeffrey Winfield, leader of Edgewood’s Chamber Singers, with the proposal.

Edgewood was selected by Nadine Wellington, Oak Crest manager of community resources and a 1972 Edgewood High graduate.

Wellington heard the Chamber Singers perform after she was inducted into Edgewood’s Hall of Fame two years ago, she explained.

Read more: http://www.baltimoresun.com/news/maryland/harford/abingdon/ph-ag-oak-crest-edgewood-0409-20140407,0,2547388.story#ixzz2yP4XdM62

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